Protestant and Catholic churches shaken at terror in Paris
Cardinal Reinhard Marx and Heinrich Bedford-Strohm on the attacks and hostage-taking in Paris
Following the attacks and hostage-taking in Paris on the evening of 13 November 2015; Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chair of the German Bishops’ Conference and Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, have issued the following statement:
“We are profoundly shaken at the hate-filled wave of violence in Paris. In these hours our thoughts are with the victims and their relatives. Where words fail at such unimaginable deeds, it is time for us Christians to pray. We pray for the victims!
The attacks of Paris are ultimately an attack on all people and on Europe. As Christians and human beings, regardless of religion and worldview, we will stand together despite the terror.”
Hanover, 14 November 2015
EKD Press Office
Carsten Splitt